From the day they’re born women have to deal with double standards. In the office, if they’re overconfident they’re a “bitch.” Too passive? Well, then they’re a “pushover.” When it comes to expressing their sexuality, they’re either “tight” if too conservative or a “slut” if they express themselves freely.
Lindsey, the creator of Cards Against Harassment, is fighting back against men who slut-shame women for showing skin on social media. She pulled tweets from men criticizing women for showing too much skin and juxtaposed them next to shirtless photos they posted of themselves.
Her work points out another major double-standard: it’s ok for a man to go shirtless, but if a female takes off her top she’s a slut.
“Any time women, especially young women of color, do something for their own enjoyment, it becomes a target for mockery or disdain,” Lindsey told Cosmopolitan. “Most of the guys I feature on #shirtlessshamers have a ‘likes’ list FULL of porn GIFs, so their issue doesn't seem to be with women naked or half-naked, but women doing those things for themselves." She added that “the point is to critique a broader cultural double standard.”