According to statistical genius Nate Silver, 62 percent of women with only one child want to know the sex of it before it’s born versus 55 percent of women expecting their first. Although 98 percent of the time the doctors are correct when predicting a baby’s sex, they were wrong for expectant parents in Australia and when the baby was born, the shocked look on the mother’s face was priceless.
Koto Nakamura and Sina Niakansafy had been told they were expecting a little girl when they went into the hospital after the mother-to-be began experiencing contractions. “They found out at their 20-week scan that they were having a baby girl,” the couple’s birth photographer Jessica Jackson told Buzzfeed News. But during Nakamura’s labor, the midwife began telling the nervous couple about a time when parents were surprised after their baby came out the wrong sex. So when the baby was born and the doctor announced, “It’s a boy,” the couple thought he was joking.
“Koto thought she had misheard and misunderstood and looked to me to ask for clarification. That was when I snapped the photo,” Jackson said. “Once she took a look for herself and it sunk in, they were beyond excited,” Jackson told Jackson has been overwhelmed by the response her photo has generated. “The support and stories of others’ experiences that have been rolling in have been so great to read,” she said. “I think we may have caused chaos around the world for pregnant women demanding a second or third scan for confirmation though.”
You can see more of Jackson’s photography @ittybittyphotographytas.