To mark the six-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina this week, we wanted to highlight articles and artwork from GOOD's New Orleans Issue, originally published in summer 2010. The issue included some sobering looks at the very real challenges New Orleans still faces, but it focused primarily on the people and organizations working to address them. You can see the New Orleans Issue archive or buy a print copy at the GOOD Store. Here are a few of our favorite things from the issue.
New Blood, Old Blood: Who Left and Who Stayed in New Orleans?
These glimpses of the big picture describe a New Orleans that has held onto much of its pre-storm population while attracting a better-educated, wealthier pool of newcomers. Sometimes, though, the most compelling evidence of Katrina's influence is in the individual stories of New Orleanians old and new. Here's a look at how the 2005 levee breaches changed the lives of nine people.
Check out these short profiles of 25 of our favorite people, businesses, and organizations working in New Orleans right now. We apologize to everyone we couldn’t fit. Keep up the good work.
Let Me Charitain You: Measuring Artists' Impact on the Gulf—From Kanye to Treme
“The problems we’re trying to tackle here are billion-dollar problems, and if we get a $300,000 infusion we’re thrilled,” says Sweet Home New Orleans’s director, Jordan Hirsch. However, he notes, “the most beneficial actions I’ve seen have come from artists who physically came to the city, really took some time to absorb what was going on, and then crafted a response that made sense for them and the work that they do.”
The Eyes of the Storm: Lee Crum's Portraits of New Orleanians
Ask anyone why he or she lives in New Orleans and you'll likely hear the same answers, over and over again: the food, the drinking, the music, the architecture, the vibe. The photographer Lee Crum moved to the city for just those reasons; what he stayed for was the faces.
photo via (cc) Flickr user Beadmobile