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Sounds GOOD: Download "Green Faces (.mute remix)" by Christopher Willits

Download a new track from musician and multimedia artist Christopher Willits' public remix project.

Sounds GOOD brings you new music by artists we love. Pay what you want to download a track, and GOOD will give the net proceeds to a worthy organization.

Late last year, musician and multimedia artist Christopher Willits launched a public remix project in collaboration with SoundCloud, Ghostly International, Ableton, and Creative Commons. Willits put online all of the 121 raw audio samples he used to make his most recent album, Tiger Flower Circle Sun, and gave the world permission to download them and turn them into new compositions. Over the next several months, a huge number of remixes, reworkings, and entirely new songs surfaced from artists around the world. Willits compiled his favorite 50 and released the collection as a free mega-album. "I'm absolutely humbled and honored by these wonderful pieces of music and sound," Willits said. "Together we have paved the way for more projects of community creation in the future."

Stream "Green Faces (.mute remix)" above, then pay any amount to download it. GOOD will give the net proceeds to Acterra, which provides people with tangible, hands-on activities they can do to improve the environment.

(Payments are not tax-deductible. Net proceeds are the total revenue from sales minus transaction costs.)