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Sounds GOOD: Download "Summer Air" by Niilo Smeds

Download a new track by singer-songwriter Niilo Smeds and support the Fresno Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Service.

Sounds GOOD brings you new music by artists we love. Pay what you want to download a track, and GOOD will give the net proceeds to a worthy organization.

We here at Sounds GOOD love the frenetic sounds of all the wonky laptop producers, brash rappers, and fuzzy garage rock bands currently ruling the music scene. But sometimes we pine for something slower, warmer, and outright lovely. A guy or a gal armed with only an acoustic guitar, singing the sort of sweet song that makes us remember that anything is possible. Fresno musician Niilo Smeds writes songs like that. His music is beautiful, clever, and unpretentious. It's no surprise to us that locals call Smeds "the best songwriter in Fresno right now—period."

Stream Smeds' "Summer Air" above, then pay any amount to download it. Smeds has asked GOOD to give the net proceeds to the Fresno Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Service, which cares for orphaned and/or injured native wildlife in California's Central Valley.

(Payments are not tax-deductible. Net proceeds are the total revenue from sales minus transaction costs.)

Bonus material: Check out a recent video of Smeds performing his song "Slumberland" at Chinatown Gallery in Fresno: