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Sounds GOOD: Download 'What Have You Done for Me Lately' by Naytronix

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As the bassist for tUnE-yArDs (2011's Pazz & Jop Best Album winner), Nate Brenner combines spacey funk with avant-garde pop. Under the moniker Naytronix, he uses a parade of electronics, samples, and DIY instruments to create a chromatic brand of off-kilter dance music.
Brenner's new cover of Janet Jackson's "What Have You Done for Me Lately" perfectly exemplifies this sound. A duet with tUnE-yArDs band leader Merrill Garbus, Naytronix's take on the '80s R&B classic is trippy and experimental but accessible and utterly fun.
Stream "What Have You Done for Me Lately" above, then pay any amount to download it. Net proceeds will be donated to the Alameda County Community Food Bank. You can also download Naytronix's new EP for free at the Plug Research website (just enter your email address and the label will send you a link).

Photo by Ginger Fierstein