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Spread the Word: Help Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Today

It's a national call-in today to end mountaintop removal coal mining. Let's help them.

Our friends in Appalachia need our help today. Mountaintop removal coal mining is a social, economic, and environmental disaster. Here's why. And there's now a bill in Congress, the Clean Water Protection Act, that would help end the practice.

The folks at, an excellent anti-mountaintrop removal advocacy group and a GOOD 100 honoree, have organized a National Call-In Day to End Mountaintop Removal, and we owe it to our fellow Americans dealing most directly with its impacts to help them out. Here's a video from


According to, the Clean Water Protection Act would "go a long way towards ending mountaintop removal mining, which has already destroyed 500 mountains, buried over 2,000 miles of streams, and damaged nearby residents’ health."

On, they've got everything you need to call your elected officials. According to Congressional staffers I've talked to, phone calls are taken 100 times as seriously as e-petitions. (And actual hard copy letters are taken 100 times as seriously as phone calls.) So your call today really makes a difference. They've got scripts and direct lines to your senators and reps and everything you need. Go call now. I promise you'll feel great about it afterward.