A couple of days ago, new Daily Show host Trevor Noah told Newsweek that he thought women “are more powerful than men in comedy right now.” His comments were met with raised social media eyebrows, and for a good reason. A recent study, known as the “Boxed In Survey,” showed that women remain deeply underrepresented in all levels of television production. The only glimpse of hope?
Shows with female executives were far, far more likely to hire other women—in each and every category.
The survey, sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film, found that in shows with at least one female executive, 42 percent of the characters were female. In shows with only male executives, 35 percent were. Other data is even more telling. 32% of writers on shows with at least one female executive were also female. Shows with exclusively male executives? The number goes down to eight percent.
While “Boxed In” focused on 2014’s television season, the survey also looked back in time. Women television directors accounted for just 12 percent of all directors in 2014, a decline of 1 percent. Similarly, only 25 percent of writers were female, an additional one percent decline from 2013. The number of female executives jumped a total 2 percent.
“Boxed In” only focuses on 14 of the major media outlets, so more research needs to be done. Still, the patterns are telling, and the data, all too real. The proof is right in front of us.
(Via: Variety)