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Surfing Sandy: Some People Welcome This Hurricane

s the East Coast braces for what is shaping up to be a storm of epic proportions, surfers take to the Atlantic.

As the East Coast braces for what is shaping up to be a storm of epic proportions, most people are battening down the hatches: holing up at home, cooking, and judging from my Facebook feed-drinking. They're assembling their emergency kits, nervous for what the weather will bring in its wake.

There is, though, a particular demographic that welcomes a good hurricanesurfers. As the storm surges over coastal towns, surfers are taking advantage of the stellar waves that come with it. For East Coast surfers, hurricane season is about as good as the swell gets. Over the weekend, a brave few took to the waters at Palm Beach Inlet, FL, captured on camera by Dasher Films. Warning: I wouldn't try this at home.


Here's another surfer getting towed into a frothing barrel at the same spot, captured by Jupiter Surfing.
