Grist has a post that argues the true issue of sustainability in terms of the auto industry (although this trend could also be said of most technological sectors). The writer indicates the futility in attempting to make better cars, when peoples' habits remain the same. In short, persisting in unsustainable behavior while trying to offset the effects of our actions is both contradictory and counter-productive. Here's a small excerpt from the piece:
Technology is a social practice; it shapes itself to, and co-evolves with, its social context. If we want real transportation sustainability, we have to have lawmakers, private industry, and citizens working in concert, singing from the same hymnal. We have to make the choice to be sustainable. We have to develop a shared vision of a sustainable future. Then, and only then, can industry respond with the technology that will get us there.Spot on. Consumers can't simply demand that industry leaders or legislators address the issue of sustainability, and expect the cure-all for our environmental problems. A shift in consumer habits and a strategic use of purchase power as leverage seems a more feasible way to affect large sustainability efforts.
Check out the full post at Grist.
Photo (cc) via Flickr user Hamed
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