The purveyors of water filtration systems at Brita have, by accident or design, found themselves riding a profitable wave of anti-bottled-water sentiment. New TV ads (which, incidentally, we can't seem to track down online) are confidently claiming the moral high ground for Brita. And fair enough: using a Brita or a Sigg is simply way more resource-friendly than buying bottled water. That's not really debatable.
But for a while now, Brita devotees who want to avoid littering the planet with used water bottles have had to litter the planet with used Brita filters instead. In Europe, Brita will recycle used filters for you. In America, Clorox, the company that owns the regional rights to the Brita brand, provides no such service. So a petition asking Brita to recycle filters stateside launched at Recently, Clorox's CEO sent the campaign an encouraging letter [PDF]. Brita's flush with eco-pride, and feeling some pressure from this petition. This would be the optimal time to add your signature if you're into the cause.
Thanks Josh!