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Forget Boys’ and Girls’ Toys: Target Introduces Gender-Neutral Toy Aisle

Girls like trucks and boys like trucks—and Target finally recognized it.

Boys like trucks, girls like dolls, everyone loves cable. Or so most of us were taught during childhood, a lesson which Target (of all places) wants to undo. Recently, the company announced that they’d be forgoing labels like ‘Girls’ building sets’ in order to introduce gender-neutral signage in the most hostile of places: the toy aisle.

Earlier this year, Target received a lot of negative press when customers started posting images of the company’s hilariously gender-specific labels (What exactly is a “girls’ building set?”) After considerable pressure by social media and consumers, the company announced that they’d be abandoning binaries in toys, kids’ bedding, and children’s books. Even the design of the aisles would be changed to be more gender-inclusive, with toy aisles changed to include wood paneling. A spokesman for Target revealed the reason why: “We never want guests or their families to feel frustrated or limited by the way things are presented.”

While Target still plans to keep boys’ and girls’ clothing separate, this is a symbolic step forward in a slow-moving industry. Now, kids everywhere will be able to practice their constitutional right to consume, in relative gender-neutral peace.

(Via: The Mary Sue)