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The Best Parody Ever of UCLA Student Alexandra Wallace's Anti-Asian Rant

Singer Jimmy Wong shows the infamous, intolerant ranter some, er, love.


It's been two weeks since UCLA political science student Alexandra Wallace's now infamous video rant against her Asian peers went viral. Although Wallace has left the school, her diatribe has sparked plenty of dialogue about the role of diversity policies on campus and the state of multicultural education, as well as a slew of video responses. One of our faves comes from 24-year-old Los Angeles performer Jimmy Wong, who sings

It's alright Alexandra, I know you know nothing about tsunamis, I just wanted to make sure you know it's not a type of sushi. But I came here to say I'm actually Chinese, and that's a whole 'nother country, and it's bigger... yeah... way bigger. But when it comes to love Alex, there are no boundaries.

Wong then cleverly riffs on Wallace's racist stereotyping of Asian speech—in the original video, she says "Ohhh! Ching chong ling long ting tong? Ohhh!"—by crooning

"ching chong (it means I love you)
ling long (I really want you)
ting tong (i don't actually know what that means)
ching chong (it's never ending)
ling long (my head is spinning)
ting tong (still don't know what that means)"

The parody has over 2.6 million views—Wong actually has a really great voice—and is downloadable on iTunes. Best of all, he's donating the proceeds to charity.