As the harrowing details of yesterday's 7.8 earthquake in Sichuan Province continue to pile up, allow us to offer a few moments of light respite courtesy of the Internet celebrity known as the Chinese MC Hammer. With equal measures of diligence and exuberance, this young man has recreated the choreography of MTV classics by Hammer, and Michael Jackson, in his living room (in some of the clips, implacable relatives can be seen in the background, sitting on the couch and knitting, or stirring up food in the kitchen). On YouTube, his collected work can be found under the name HammerXXX; on the Chinese site youku, he goes by MC强强. Should some Chinese filmmaker ever decide to make a local version of "Fame," he's obviously a shoo-in for one of the leads.
Meanwhile, if it's a bit of additional historical background on earthquakes in China that you seek, this page by the Disaster specialist Dr. George Parannas-Carayannis is a good place to start.