Here at GOOD, we love web vids. They're pretty much our favorite things on the internet. We've even been toying with the idea that they are the artform of our generation. Granted, the aesthetics of and intent behind "Charlie Bit My Finger" might lack the complexity of, say, The Cremaster Cycle, but the former is something that can be freely watched and distributed by anyone with access to the internet. And it's hilarious.We're not exactly certain of the line between web vid and and video on the internet, but in the spirit of our many other decade retrospectives, we present this somewhat exhaustive (but in no way comprehensive) collection of the GOOD creative team's all time favorite web videos (which, on a technicality, also happen to be what we consider the best web vids of the decade). It's a total hodgepodge, with no discernible order, but that's kind of the way these things work. Enjoy (though please note that some of these vids are probably not safe for work; and they're sure to offend people who are offended by offensive things).Without further ado, here's one of the absolute greatest (and, for whatever it's worth) probably the first video I ever forwarded:[youtube] more vaguely political or historical mayhem, we recommend Barney Frank at a townhall, fainting on Glenn Beck, Drunk History Volume One, Obama's Elf, visualizing the credit crisis, a short history of America, and this beyond excellent animated biographical short, George Washington. In the area of accidental brilliance, it doesn't get any better than this:[youtube] also, I like turtles, David after dentist, this HSN sword fail, Flea Market Montgomery, the world's greatest video dating service, this crazy kid attacking a wall. Animals, it turns out, also make great video fodder:[youtube] also this goat that yells like a man, keyboard cat, dog slide, sleepwalking dog, Hamster on a Piano, Jingle Cats and, well, every other cat video ever. Then there's the realm of astounding web-video beauty. Like this:[vimeo][/vimeo]And this:[vimeo][/vimeo]As well as this giant Japanese aquarium and the galactic center of the Milky Way rising over Texas. But for the most part, we're simply fans of the space between the narrative and the absurd. Like this:[youtube] more inhabitants of the space between story-telling and zaniness, consider mashed-up Lil John, Auto-tune the News Number Two, this awesomely honest mobile home commercial, this ultimate muscle roller, surviving edged weapons, Masked Maru, The Science Machine, Joe Petrucci teaching guitar, Corey "I'll apologize but I'm not taking off my glasses" Delaney, young girls talking about themselves, Interior Crocodile Alligator, Drinking out of Cups, the GI Joe PSAs, and the Jurassic Park montage to end all Jurassic Park montages. This next one is a few days late, but it's pretty timeless:[youtube] timeless and excellent videos include this early Hensen footage, MUTO wall animation, anything Look Around You, zZz Is Playing Grip, and, of course, People in Order:[youtube] just for fun we'll include insane german bicycle girls, Creed shredding, Magic Missile, Jesus hostage/wiener poopie, Ronald McDonald insanity, Prison Thriller, the incredible "Kiwi," the best fight scene ever, TNG Episode 15, TLO Roll Call, Antique Roadshow drum 'n' bass remix , Let Yourself Feel, Revenge, The Seed, and this jaw-dropping downhill skate footage:[vimeo]?oct-39[/vimeo]Oh, and then there's this:[youtube] for the love of God, go read a book.-Post Script: All your bases are belong to us.
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