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The Earthquake in Chile: How to Help

By now you know that an 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck the nation of Chile this weekend, sending a tsunami warning throughout the Pacific Ocean...

By now you know that an 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck the nation of Chile this weekend, sending a tsunami warning throughout the Pacific Ocean and displacing millions of people. At 8.8, the quake is the fifth largest of the past century, and its aftershocks continue to wreak havoc on the area (I recommend checking The Times's LEDE Blog for the latest updates).The Consumerist has assembled a great list of ways to help those affected by the earthquake. Among them:

  • Text the word "CHILE" to 25383 to donate $10 on behalf of the Habitat for Humanity
  • Text the word "CHILE" to 20222 to donate $10 on behalf of World Vision
  • Text the word "CHILE" to 52000 to donate $10 on behalf of the Salvation Army
  • Text the word "YOUTH" to 20222 to donate $10 on behalf of UNICEF
As you might expect, The Big Picture has an excellent collection of photos of the quake's aftermath.If you know of other ways to lend assistance, please let us know in the comments.Photo: a collection of real time images and video via The Daily Dish. Homepage thumbnail via @kathy_sweet