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The GOOD 30-Day Challenge: Spring Cleaning

Get ready to make April your cleanest month yet.

Things are easier said than done, or so the old adage goes, and we couldn't agree more. That's why we do The GOOD 30-Day Challenge, a monthly attempt to live better.

This month's challenge is in partnership with Levi's ®

Spring has sprung, and you know what that means. While Easter and Passover celebrate religious renewal, the annual tradition of spring cleaning is the secular way millions of people celebrate winter's thaw and a fresh start. For this month's GOOD 30-Day Challenge, we're asking you to join those of us taking brooms and mops to the cobwebs and stains we've let gather during the cold months. But we don't want you to only clean your home. We want you to clean up your entire life.

Cleaning and organizing are, of course, most closely associated with places like your closet and kitchen. But the fact is that messes are never strictly quarantined to your living spaces. Clutter can take over your email inbox, your car, your desk at the office, and even your social media spaces. And just as a disheveled bedroom can make it hard to relax, a disheveled, chaotic life can make it difficult to do even the most basic things. Over the next four weeks, we're going to be offering up dozens of ways to help you eliminate the madness in your world and get orderly.

As usual, consider this post an open invitation to join in the challenge. Check at 8:30 a.m. EST every day of April to see that day’s task and get a sneak preview of what the next day holds. On Twitter and Facebook, we’ll be using the hashtag #30DaysofGOOD to keep you abreast of our progress, and we hope you’ll use it to let us know how you’re faring as well.

Now get ready to make April so fresh and so clean. Check out the first task here.
