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The Great American Teach-Off: Voting Opens Today

Vote starting today and help one deserving teacher win $10K to continue their good work, one student at a time.

This post is in partnership with University of Phoenix

Ten inspiring teachers are competing for one $10,000 CLASSROOM GRANT and we need your help to pick the winner.

Starting every Monday from now through November 7, we'll upload a new video at 9AM (PST) from the finalists. Click here each week to watch teachers responding to questions about education in their own words, then vote for your favorite educator to advance to the next round.

You can vote up to once a day during each weekly voting period. The two teachers with the fewest votes each week will be eliminated, until we have one last teacher standing.

Click here now to see the ten finalists answering this week's question: How are you an innovative teacher? Then, vote for your favorite andspread the word.

Let's help one deserving teacher continue their good work, one student at a time.