Over at Marginal Revolution, a reader emailed about how he recently visited the only Ethiopian restaurant in New Zealand. It's run by 31-year-old Dawit Demissie, and it operates one day a week, on Mondays. Tuesday through Sunday, the place is a Thai restaurant owned and operated by a Burmese woman, who rents the space to Demissie on Mondays.This seems like a great way for a small-time business to exist where it otherwise couldn't. I know that in the United States, restaurants are notoriously difficult to keep open, probably because of all the overhead-rent, staff, food-and even great cooks have trouble staying in business. If you were only open once in a while, you dramatically reduce overhead, waste a lot less food and man-hours, and probably make each opening feel special. It becomes like a regularly occuring pop-up dinner. And it probably even helps the other place stay in business too.Anyone know of other places like this?Photo (cc) by Flickr user DavidDennisPhotos.
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