Have you been looking for images of fellow humans participating in the great Global Work Party on 10/10/10? Well here are lots of them, in video form.
I'm just getting back from a few days offline, and am still getting caught up on all of the incredible stories from this international day of climate action. But from what I've seen, read, and heard so far, it was something of a revolutionary day. Not that you'd know it living here in the States. While the 7,347 actions in 188 countries worldwide made big media waves all over the world, there was barely a ripple here in the United States. (Which, I should mention, 350.org founder Bill McKibben anticipated here on GOOD.)
But if you're in need of some uplifting inspiration in these dark days environmental fecklessness, you'd do well to check out 350.org's blog, their flickr page, and especially their Big Picture page. From the Muslim American Society Youth planting a community garden in Detroit to restoring reefs in the Philippines to installing solar panels in Iraq to Pakistanis near the Hindu Kush Mountains gathering to discuss community climate adaptation, all the stories made this often cynical environmentalist feel, well, rather hopeful.
The next move to make: Call your leaders, ask them where they were on 10/10/10, and tell them that the people are already getting to work, so now it's their turn. (350.org has a handy tool to find contact info for your leaders, regardless of country.) In the meantime, we'll work on a slideshow of the most inspiring 10/10/10 actions.