A new poll that found people who identified as "Mac people" were more urbane and progressive than "PC people" has led most to exclaim, "No duh." But, as we suggested yesterday, our assumption was that the real relevant difference between Mac users and PC users wasn't the kind of food they liked, but how much money they have. It turns out that our inclination was correct.
According to an apparently forgotten 2009 study from the consumer-research firm NDP, a full 36 percent of Mac users report household incomes greater than $100,000, while only 21 percent of PC users are that rich. With all that extra money, the average Apple household also owns 48 consumer electronics devices, beating out the average PC household's 24. And because Mac users tend to be better educated than their PC counterparts, they're afforded even more opportunity to amass money in the competitive job market.
Knowing these differences, the Mac people vs. PC people infographic starts to make a lot more sense. With more wealth and a more collegiate idea of how best to flaunt wealth, it's no wonder that Mac users tend to favor stereotypically refined comestibles like Moscow mules and "bistro-type fries," while PC users opt for strawberry daiquiris and plain old McDonald's spuds. In short, when your computer's a status symbol—as Mac's advertising suggests it should be—why not your French fries, too?