Carrying around a selfie stick does tend to draw some negative feedback, but for Texas teenager Erynn Johns, buying one turned out to be the best decision she ever made. While vacationing with her family at a Nantucket beach, Johns took a dip in the Atlantic and brought her selfie stick with her. Suddenly, she was caught in a riptide that might have killed her if not for one handy accessory. Johns clung to her selfie stick, and that kept her from being dragged out to sea just long enough for her to be rescued. Her entire near death experience was caught on film [the riptide hits around 2:15].
Incredible Footage Shows Drowning Girl Saved By Her Selfie Stick
Proving once and for all that selfie sticks are only mostly worthless.
By Sean McdonaldJul 22, 2015
Sean Mcdonald
Sean McDonald is an audience development intern at GOOD. He is undeclared and loving it at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota.