In the wake of learning that 75 percent of the country thinks the stimulus was a waste, here's a look (larger after the jump) at how the American public ranks the top priorities of 2010, according to a recent Pew study. Worth noting:
[T]he percentage placing top priority on providing health insurance to the uninsured stands at 49%. That is little changed from a year ago and off its high of 61% in January 2001. Notably, there is now a wider partisan gap in opinion about this issue than for any of the other 20 issues in the survey: fully 75% of Democrats rate providing health insurance to the uninsured as a top priority compared with just 26% of Republicans.That the economy and jobs sit atop the list of priorities is no shock, but I find it interesting that terrorism still occupies such a high spot. I'm not suggesting that it isn't important, but consider what GOOD community member Pierce Nichols commented three weeks ago:
The US has spent somewhere north of three trillion USD on various things lumped under 'fighting terrorism', including two wars. This is all to deal with a set of threats that have killed fewer Americans (outside of ongoing combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan) than have died in traffic accidents since Halloween 2009. Terrorism, by the numbers, just isn't a particularly significant problem for the US. Spending trillions of dollars fighting this boogeyman is quite a serious problem for the US, however.Meanwhile, issues like health care, energy, and (at the very bottom of our list of priorities) global warming, stand to affect all of us.Via The Daily Dish.