The Week That Was.
We made another video! Be sure to check out Rethinking High School, about the transformation of Locke High School in Los Angeles, if you haven't already.
We made an infographic that explores the number of students that enroll in college, earn some credits, but never graduate.
We returned to our childhood selves and the neighborhood of make-believe.
We examined a new study that says the presence of facial hair makes men appear to be more trustworthy.
Anya Kamenetz, author of DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education, filed her second dispatch about whatever happened to when college was free.
Nikhil wrote about whether Jamie Oliver's food revolution is making kids smarter, how New York City's famed rubber rooms will soon become a thing of the past, and why home libraries help to make kids smarter.
City Year reported from the trenches of a Los Angeles middle school.
Liz Dwyer, the Pepsi Refresh Project's Education Ambassador, wrote about studs in the schoolhouse.
Big Think joined the GOOD community.
And finally, for his weekly Mind the Gap series, Brendan Lowe wrote about his recent class trip to the Big Easy and the controversy surrounding voluntourism versus poorism.
Photo via the White House's Flickr Photostream.