The Week That Was.
P.S. 22 did their thing, this week to the tune of Bjork's "All Is Full of Love." In one word: amazing.
Seth Linden wrote about the revolutionary concept behind a class of one.
Nathan Rothstein wrote about how college students are using their privileged positions to raise awareness.
We wanted to know: What constitutes an ethical adoption?
And, are charter schools the equivalent of a seat at the cool kids' table?
Nikhil Swaminathan wrote about teachers being handcuffed by flawed education research, taking time off after college, and how Marc Ecko is designing the next generation of fashion entrepreneurs.
City Year filed its latest dispatch about the power of students as teachers.
Liz Dwyer, the Pepsi Refresh Project's Education Ambassador, wrote about becoming a neighborhood school sellout.
And finally, for his weekly Mind the Gap series, Brendan Lowe chronicled chronic absenteeism, and what to do about it.
Photo via the White House's Flickr Photostream.