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The White House's Green Room Sets a Holiday Décor Precedent

The White House has decked its halls with plenty of festive décor, just as it has every year, while continuing an emphasis on repurposing items.

It’s that time of the year again when the holidays mean homes are filled with Christmas trees, garlands, and everything merry. And this year the White House has decked its halls with plenty of festive décor, just as it has every year, while continuing an emphasis on repurposing items.

Nowhere is this theme more evident than in its Green Room, where trees are made of 75 pounds of recycled newspapers and 6 magazines. Each sheet has been folded and covered in glitter and ribbons for the holiday season.

First Lady Michelle Obama worked with decorators and volunteers to create a "Simple Gifts," theme throughout the White House, using mostly repurposed items from previous years.

Here's a breakdown all the Obama's holiday decorations. Most impressive is their large-scale replica of Bo, the family dog, made of 40,000 pipe cleaners.

See more photos at Politico.