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Video: Why Are Froot Loops Cheaper Than Real Fruit? The YouTube Video 2011: Your Interview With President Obama

Slow Food USA's Josh Viertel asks Obama a gem of a question during the YouTube Q&A session.


In an attempt to make the 2011 State of the Union address more relevant, The White House had President Obama answer questions on Thursday on YouTube.

Many young people asked about jobs and education. There was a question about how to land a competitive job right out of college (2:58) and one about the current generation's "Sputnik" challenge (35:19). Obama also touched on the legalization of illicit drugs (26:01) and immigration policy (33:13) and dodged questions about predicting the Super Bowl winner (12:28) and a favorite YouTube video (16:10).

And in the segment above (30:56), Josh Viertel, Slow Food USA's president, asked why Froot Loops are cheaper than real fruit.

Obama chuckled and then went on to describe the new Nutrition Keys labels, the Let's Move-Wal-Mart partnership, the childhood nutrition bill, and improved supermarket access in food desserts, emphasizing the words "local," "healthier," and "cheaper."

Now, the question is whether these initiatives alone can make fruit more accessible and less expensive than sugary cereal, especially since food has become such a politicized battleground. What do you think? Should Obama have talked about the big picture—subsidies and the Farm Bill—which might make a salad less expensive than a Big Mac instead?