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There Is Going to Be a Bill Nye Movie, and It Is Going to Be Incredible

Everyone’s favorite pop scientist is about to hit Hollywood.

In the past decade, Bill Nye has built a powerful cult following. It’s a strange choice for a celebrity—he’s less of a “tween heartthrob” and more of a “dorky scientist who wears bowties.” But nearly everyone (who believes in evolution) loves Bill Nye, which is why a group of filmmakers recently decided they would give the edutainer the respect he deserves, and finally, after years of anticipation, launch a movie about him.

The Nye movie will actually be a documentary created by two documentary filmmakers and self-proclaimed huge fans. With just 50 days left to go, the producers have raised over $47,000 of their $650,000 goal. While the filmmakers know they have a huge task in front of them, their enthusiasm for the scientist-edutainer-artist-guy-in-a-big-labcoat is unmatched. From the kickstarter:

“We’re also hardcore Bill Nye fans who spent our middle school years learning about the ecosystem and the color spectrum from his trusty VHS tapes. Bill’s passion and enthusiasm stayed with us, and When we learned that Bill Nye was doing something new, working outside of the classroom to champion science and space exploration and the fight against climate change, we knew we had to make this documentary.”

The kickbacks for contributing are pretty sweet, too: $35 gets you a bowtie for your dog, and $15 gets you a customizable emoji set. Nerd gifts for a nerd crowd. But Nye has also brought science to a wide array of nontraditional audiences—including bored kids, and bored adults—and his story is worth telling. Check out the kickstarter here and their fundraising video below.
