Salutations, readers. It's time for weekend festivities-including but not limited to Postopolis! and International Pillow Fight Day. Zounds.This week commenced with Earth Hour, a global, hour-long renunciation of electricity as a symbolic gesture of our dedication to the planet's health. Concurrently, the conservative-backed Human Achievement Hour asked people to leave their lights on in celebration of man's history of greatness and environmental degradation.In financial news-a guaranteed a crowd pleaser these days-the United States got a new tax on cigarettes, we made predictions about the G20 summit (and drooled over its menu), some daft poster-makers illustrated Zimbabwe's inflation situation, carbon-trading revealed its threats to the poor, and we found some ways to find fruit for free.Detroit got shut down. America got a new energy plan. The Aptera got screwed by the letter of the law. And the National Mall got a new museum-or, at least, the promise of one.Don't forget to read up on the the new Choose GOOD Global Giving Program. It means a lot to us-and a number of organizations around the world.Have a lovely weekend, friends.Image via our study of Post Tramatic Stress Disorder among veterans.
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