Say the word “action figure” and you’ll probably think of a beloved childhood toy or a traumatizing Michael Bay movie. But now, toy company Bif Bang Pow! has decided to give new meaning to the term and designed their own Tina Fey and Amy Poehler action figures. Soon, adults and children everywhere will be able to achieve their life dreams and pretend that the famous comedy duo are their friends in real life.
The figures look back to Tina and Amy’s days at SNL, when the two of them hosted “Weekend Update.” On retail for just $29.99, they’ll officially go on sale on July 8th at the San Diego Comic-Con. Buyers who can’t contain their excitement—or who do not live in San Diego—can purchase the figures here.
Historically, female action figures are hyper sexualized, and don’t traditionally wear “power pantsuits.” The action figure industry isn’t exactly known for their nuanced gender politics. But the Amy and Tina dolls look both nimble and powerful—ready for some hardcore, high-action (word) play.