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Trader Joe's Will Switch to Sustainable Seafood

This is great news for our oceans: Trader Joe's has changed their tune, and plan to sell only sustainable seafood by the end of 2012. Within...

This is great news for our oceans:

Trader Joe's has changed their tune, and plan to sell only sustainable seafood by the end of 2012.Within the last year, Trader Joe's has been under fire from Greenpeace, who did not look kindly on their practices in aquatic protein sales. When Greenpeace released its supermarket seafood sustainability scorecard (which itself should receive high marks for alliteration), Trader Joe's received an F, ranking them well below mega-chains like Target, Walmart and Costco.

Trader Joe's has already stopped selling the most endangered species it used to offer (red snapper, orange roughy). Now it'll be implementing better labeling and buying policies to work towards this 2012 goal. My only question: Why will this take nearly two years? Can't you just look up which fish one can responsibly eat and start buying differently next month?