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A New Trump Attack Ad Addresses His Misogyny

A new anti-Trump ad uses his own words about women against him.

The dividing lines within the conservative ranks over Trump’s presidential campaign are growing clearer and more defined every day. A new anti-Trump ad uses his frequent antifeminist language to highlight his lack of support for women’s issues—but it’s not from a liberal source. The video is a part of a series of ads from the right-leaning Our Principles PAC, which has thus far spent $12 million attacking Trump. It has also released ads in which Trump is cited bashing Reagan and praising Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.

In the new video, actresses recite Trump’s words, which include “bimbo,” “dog,” “fat pig,” and quotes like “Women. You have to treat them like sh*t.”

“This is how Donald Trump talks about our mothers, our sisters, our daughters,” the ad concludes.