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Update: Pregnancy-Pamphlet Questions Answered

We posted earlier about this little stir over not-identical translations of a pregnancy pamphlet tagetting English- and Spanish-speaking moms to...

We posted earlier about this little stir over not-identical translations of a pregnancy pamphlet tagetting English- and Spanish-speaking moms to be. What was the deal? Well, we asked, and Kaiser Permanente called us back. Here's what Soccoro Serranto, a media manager for the hospitals, had to say. "I want to be very clear that the classes taught in English and Spanish have the exact same curriculum and are taught by the same Master's-educated, bilingual, bicultural woman, who also wrote the pamphlets."She went on to explain that because of lower enrolment in the Spanish-language classes, they consolidated only the number of classes (again, the curriculum is exactly the same) in order to maximize attendance.Case closed, as far as we're concerned.