The “good guy with a gun” argument is a rationale that’s been used time and time again to stop gun control efforts. But a 2012 Washington Post study using information from the FBI and CDC found that argument to be a complete myth. For every “justifiable” gun homicide in 2012, there were 34 criminal gun homicides, 78 gun suicides, and at least two accidental gun deaths. A similar study two years later found that owning a gun makes you much more likely to be shot. Facts be damned, on August 5th, a new law went into effect in Texas that allows concealed handgun license holders to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. And this new law has a lot of University of Texas students afraid to go to class.
“Two guns don’t make a right,” Ana Lopez, vice-president of Students Against Campus Carry, said. “Do you expect a bunch of frat boys to defend us against an armed gunman?” To voice their disapproval for the new law, thousands of students at UT-Austin brought dildos to class yesterday in a protest known as “Cocks Not Glocks.” Its aim is to expose the absurdity of school administrators cracking down on rubber phalluses while allowing other students to sit in class with firearms.
“The State of Texas has decided that it is not at all obnoxious to allow deadly concealed weapons in classrooms, however it DOES have strict rules about free sexual expression, to protect your innocence,” the Cocks Not Glocks Facebook page said. “You would receive a citation for taking a DILDO to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class. Heaven forbid the penis.” The sex-toy industry is supporting the movement as well. Over 4,000 dildos were donated to Cocks Not Glocks to ensure that protesters were adequately armed for the protest.