Koch Industries, which Andrew wrote about here, has essentially hijacked California's crucial Prop 23 vote. At stake in the Prop 23 vote are California's extremely progressive clean energy and air pollution standards that were introduced with the passage of the AB32 clean air law four years back. While Texas-based oil companies are funding a massive campaign to pass Prop 23, everyone from venture capitalists to energy researchers to environmental justice activists to clean energy business leaders to Governor Schwarzenegger himself are speaking out against the Proposition.
Here's a great article from The New York Times about the interesting alliances forming to defeat Prop 23.
As I often do when the subjects of environmental justice, clean energy, politics, and jobs collide, I found myself wondering, why would Van Jones have to say about this. Well, here's what:
If you're trying to make heads and tails of this Prop 23 debate, Jones has a longer piece on Climate Progress that's also well worth your while.