Thirty years of Wal-Mart's informal, internal company videos have been put on sale. Flagler, the video-production company Wal-Mart hired to record company goings-on, asked the retail behemoth for $150 million for the tapes. Wal-Mart came back with a counter-offer that was in a completely different ballpark: $500,000. So Flagler called their bluff and started selling broadcast rights. This may be one employee Wal-Mart wishes it hadn't screwed with paltry pay.The networks have been highlighting a clip of Wal-Mart employees in drag. But (like Rob Walker) we prefer this one of Wal-Mart's labor lawyer calling unions "blood-sucking parasites" at some sort of robber-barons' rally. Right on! Let's just return to feudalism with serfs and stuff.
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