It's been one year since I stepped into Washington Square Park with a homemade sign that says "Free Advice." What started as a one-day challenge to be bold and daring in the face of my fears turned into a lifelong mission to connect with strangers by offering free advice.
I'm so grateful for the 3,000+ people who have had the openness to sit down and engage in the art of conversation. This has led to many exciting opportunities, such as being the subject of a short documentary film, Free Advice Girl, which became a 2013 Finalist in the International Documentary Challenge and screened at the Hot Docs Film Festival.
The story of how Free Advice Girl started is not an easy one to share, but if it reignites hope and resilience in just one person, then it will have all been worth it. If I’ve learned anything from listening to other people’s stories, it’s that there’s always something to learn from listening to other people’s stories! Please take seven minutes to watch this one. If you like what you see, go here and click on the Audience Award and vote for Free Advice Girl. Many thanks and I hope to see you in the park!