Since last Tuesday, more than 1.5 million viewers have watched Joel Burns, a young, openly gay Texas city councilman tell teens to "stick around, it gets better." Burns talks about teens that have recently ended their lives, including the contemplation of ending his own.
"There's a conversation for the adults in this room and those watching to have. And we will have it. That this bullying and this harrassment in our schools must stop and that our schools must be a safe place to learn and to grow. It is never acceptable for us to be the cause of any child to feel unloved or worthless and I am committed to being a part of that conversation."
Burns then goes on to urge gay teens that it does, eventually, get better. But what if it didn't have to get better. What if a generation could come of age in a world where acceptance was not some faraway concept but lived today, in the here and now.
Via Alexander Russo at This Week in Education.