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Watch the Health Care Summit Now

The much talked about live broadcast of the health care summit starts right now (10 a.m. eastern time). You can watch it live on CSPAN here. This is could be a fairly momentous occasion that changes the way people in Washington, D.C. do business, or it might turn out to be a totally rehearsed waste of a time, or even a disaster that makes the idea of transparency go down in flames, or something else entirely. After some introductory statements, the summit will cover the following issues:
1) Controlling costs - introduced by the President;2) Insurance reforms - introduced by Secretary Sebelius;3) Reducing the deficit - introduced by the Vice President; and4) Expanding coverage - introduced by the President.
It should be a rip-roaring good time. Make sure you tune in. If you can't, Talking Points Memo will have a live blog that should also be informative.