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Watch This Beautiful Video of Egyptians Basking in Newfound Freedom

The video is worth watching for the infectious smiles alone, but the inspiring slogans are what's really worth passing on. Egyptians are a changed people.


Watch this beautiful video of Egyptians basking in the warm glow of newfound freedom. This is what the deep pleasure of moral victory looks like.

The video, by PMC Egypt, is worth watching for the infectious smiles alone, but the triumphant slogans reflecting on a changed Egypt are what's really worth passing on. We could use a bit of this here in the United States.

"We respected our different opinions."

"We broke the fear inside us. Freedom is born inside us."

"We painted a generations future."

"Our view of religion has changed. Religion is the constitution of ethics."

And at 51 seconds into the video you see the now-classic image of what we believe is Christians forming a human shield to protect Muslims at prayer. Note the cross tattoo just above his thumb in bottom center of this screen grab.

At the end, we see the next generation seizing their free future. Inspiring.