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We Need Your Help: Join GOOD This Thursday for Our Energy Issue Meetup

This Thursday we'll be celebrating our Energy Issue with meetups all around the country. Join one or organize your own!

A couple weeks ago we announced the GOOD Energy Issue Party, and asked you all to help plan events around the country.

I'm not going to lie: Response has been underwhelming. Which is entirely our fault for not better spreading the word, and there's time still to get some more events planned and have you all meet in real life and connect with other GOOD folks. To get y'all caught up, here's the skinny from our earlier note:

Introducing the GOOD Energy Issue Party: the very first distributed, coordinated global meetup of the GOOD community.

We envision GOOD meetups as informal, fun gatherings organized by GOOD community members, for the GOOD community members. They should be a great way to meet other people who give a damn near you, to chat about things that matter, throw ideas around, and learn some things. In this case, to better understand energy, and to have a good time doing so.

Here's how it'll work. The very fine folks at ("Use the internet to get off the internet") have this new platform called Meetup Everywhere. It's a simple way for communities like ours to, well, meetup everywhere. It's free, easy to use, and will help us connect in person and take part in something bigger.

But here's what it comes down to: This Thursday, you have the opportunity to rally and join forces with the GOOD folks in your community, to come together over a common theme—energy, of course.

So go to the GOOD Meetup Everywhere page to see if there's an event planned near you (Here's a link direct to the planned events.) If so, join it. If not, plan one and spread the word around your city or town.

We've got a couple ideas for activities for your Meetup, so feel free to take any of these below and run with them.

But, of course, the whole point is that you can do whatever the heck you want, granted it has something to do with the theme of energy.

For those of you joining the New York City meetup, we'll have a sort of teach-in happy hour: building batteries and drinking beers. Have other great ideas? Send them to me (jervey[at]goodinc[dot]com). After Thursday, we'll run a roundup of all the events featuring your photos and summaries.

Finally, if you tweet about this, use the#goodmeetup hashtag to connect with others.