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What the New Census Data Means

Looking at the changes in the 23rd census.

The new census data was released today, and here's what we learned:

  • There are about 309,000,000 people here (up almost 10 percent since the last census in 2000, though that is the slowest rate of growth since the great depression)
  • Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Washington will gain members in the House
  • Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania will lose members in the House
  • The state with the largest population growth: Nevada (35.1 percent)
  • The state with the smallest: Michigan (-0.4 percent)

There's a lot more over at, including a video on apportionment and this excellent interactive infographic in a larger size (and be sure to follow them on Twitter):

Photo (cc) by Flickr user Eric Fischer.