Don't say Uncle Sam never did you any favors. If you're wondering where your tax dollars have been going, check this out: a helpful list of suggested New Year's resolutions you probably won't keep, care of the U.S. government. Given the sorry state of the economy, though, the number of ongoing wars, and the fact that the planet is burning, we think "Lose weight" and "Drink less" maybe isn't going to cut it. So we're opening up the floor to you.What's your resolution? Here are a few to get the ball rolling...1) Get around to composting, even though I don't have a backyard.2) Make potluck dinners cool again.3) Get a real live penpal who maybe lives somewhere I don't know much about.4) Go to the gym every day! (Just kidding about the last one.)Let us know what you have in mind.
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