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Where Are All The Laser Guns?: A Lesson on Gadgets of the Future

Blame The Jetsons, repeated viewings of Star Wars (the good ones), and half of Will Smith's movies. Blame whomever you so choose for tricking us...

Blame The Jetsons, repeated viewings of Star Wars (the good ones), and half of Will Smith's movies. Blame whomever you so choose for tricking us into believing that the distant future promised cool gadgets and robots. Lucky for us, the folks over at Motherboard were perturbed about the current lack of time travel abilities-among other promised high-tech goodies-as well:

According to the future of the past, we should be cruising around in flying cars, living forever, and shooting our enemies with death rays so that they won't live forever. Yet here we are, driving in cars on the ground, dying in our 80s, and having to resort to bullets for our murdering needs. WTF, future?
Rather than accepting things as they are, Motherboard took initiative and decided to investigate, seeking out experts working on a variety of futuristic devices. Those devices include laser guns, quantum teleportation, and time travel, among other things. What future gadgets do you think are on the horizon? I could do without the laser guns, but a talking refrigerator? That's something I could get used to.Photo via Motherboard.