Cases of Dengue fever are on the rise in Latin America, with a very aggressive strain detected in Peru. Reports from the Pan-American Health Organization has documented 46,600 confirmed cases and 31 dead, 14 of those in Peru.
The concern is accelerated, according to MercoPress, because:
In 2010 the disease killed 1,187 people across Latin America, according to PAHO figures. Some 1.8 million cases were detected, the PAHO said.
“The Americas has seen a dengue epidemic over the past years, with an increase in certain countries,” said PAHO spokesman Daniel Epstein. In Venezuela, for example, 125,000 cases were reported in 2010, nearly twice the figure from the previous year.
Dengue fever occurs in tropical climates an incapacitate with high fever that can become haemorrhagic and lethal.
PAHO thinks the main way to fight dengue is to educate people about the Aedes mosquitoes and advise them not to drink stagnant water. Brazil has launched an ad campaign that features an animated soccer star kicking a ball at a mosquito dressed in their historical rival Argentina's colors.
A Dengue fever vaccine is in the pipeline and is expected to be completed this year. Not a minute too soon and also a great topic to enter into the GOOD Vacccine Challenge. What would your campaign to raise awareness of the need to vaccinate for Dengue fever in Latin America?