Fake Kushner:Tom, we are arranging a bit of a soirée towards the end of August. It would be great if you could make it, I promise food of at least comparible quality to that which we ate in Iraq. Should be a great evening.:
Bossert: Thanks, Jared. With a promise like that, I can’t refuse. Also, if you ever need it, my personal email is…
Reince (me) giving @Scaramucci something to think about. He never replied haha pic.twitter.com/hutjACmogR
Fake Priebus: I had promised myself I would leave my hands mud free, but after reading your tweet today which stated how; ‘soon we will learn who in the media who has class, and who hasn’t, has pushed me to this. That tweet was breathtakingly hypocritical, even for you. At no stage have you acted in a way that’s even remotely classy, yet you believe that’s the standard by which everyone should behave towards you? General Kelly will do a fine job. I’ll even admit he will do a better job than me. But the way in which that transition has come about has been diabolical. And hurtful. I don’t expect a reply.
Scaramucci: You know what you did. We all do. Even today. But rest assured we were prepared. A Man would apologize.
Fake Priebus: I can't believe you are questioning my ethics! The so called ‘Mooch’, who can’t even manage his first week in the White House without leaving upset in his wake. I have nothing to apologize for.
Scaramucci: Read Shakespeare. Particularly Othello. You are right there. My family is fine by the way and will thrive. I know what you did. No more replies from me.
Huntsman: Who’s head should roll first? Maybe I can help things along somewhat.
Scaramucci: Both of them
Huntsman: Russia will be a challenging but no doubt rewarding assignment.
Trump: Maybe we could have Dad sat on a horse, top off, giving the full Putin! He's in better shape than his suits suggest.