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White House or Green House

Since they are taking his BlackBerry away, maybe Obama will have more time for gardening. After angering foodies by not picking any of the candidates put forward by Alice Waters and Michael Pollan for Agriculture Secretary, Obama could do a lot of appeasement of the arugula crowd by starting an organic..

Since they are taking his BlackBerry away, maybe Obama will have more time for gardening. After angering foodies by not picking any of the candidates put forward by Alice Waters and Michael Pollan for Agriculture Secretary, Obama could do a lot of appeasement of the arugula crowd by starting an organic garden at the White House. This is being advocated by the organization Eat the View, who has made some funny PhotoShopped pictures of Obama farming and eating carrots (organic, we must imagine).
Go to their site to sign their petition to have the Obamas start a garden. Then, simmilar to how President Kennedy's dislike of hats destroyed the hat industry, organic farming will rise and take over the land.