Trying to plan your after-vote, after-work activities? Not sure whether to hit up a GOP hotspot or progressive pub to await the election returns? NYT science reporter John Tierney offers some help, examining whether conservatives or liberals have the better sense of humor. According to a recent man-on-the-street study performed in Boston, right-wingers turned out to be the more jovial clan--responding to straight-forward jokes, as well as some that bordered on absurd. This surprised the researchers, who expected the more traditional conservatives to like traditional jokes, involving standard tropes like marriage and gold, while believing the more free-wheeling libs to be open to a couple head-scratchers.Our advice: If you're looking for a D.C. bar to crawl into this evening, head to Bullfeathers early. But, if Karl Rove's election predictions pan out, you might want to bail around 8:30--there'll be no joy in right-wing Mudville, if Mighty McCain strikes out.(Photo from Flickr user LouisL.)
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