We're happy to announce the winner of our latest doodle project, "A Day with a Bicycle," in which we challenged readers to create an off-the-cuff sketch inspired by their experiences with two-wheeled transportation. Once again, we received some absolutely outstanding submissions. Choosing a single winner was a challenge.
Our winner for this month, Diane Foley, created a surreal image of a biker's environment. We particularly loved the subtle coloring, which added some texture to the image without distracting, the artful use of white space, and the compelling composition.
Diane will receive a GOOD T-shirt and a gift subscription to our magazine.
Part of our goal with this ongoing project is to highlight the work of many different doodlers. The top 14 runners-up are in the slideshow above. Please check out their work.
Thanks to everyone who participated. We'll be launching our third doodles project, with a new theme, in about a week. For suggestions on themes/topics for upcoming doodles please tweet @LenKendall.