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Winner Announced: Food Truck Fantasy

We asked the GOOD community to pick their favorite new food truck idea. The result? They're Beggin' for Beignets.

After drooling over the images from theFood Truck Fantasy project for a few weeks now, we're proud to announce the GOOD community's favorite: Beggin' For Beignets. Matt Cruzada and Melissa Paulo's truck would serve up the delicious fried dough in a variety of flavors, including strawberry and rhubarb compote, burnt caramel and sea salt, spiced chocolate ganache, and the classic powdered sugar.

The beignet is the official doughnut of Louisiana and is traditionally enjoyed with a steaming mug of chicory coffee at New Orleans cafes like Café du Monde. However, Cruzada and Paulo would like to pack theirs into a food truck to distribute them around San Francisco, where beignets are harder to come by.

Congratulations, Matt and Melissa! The duo will receive a subscription to GOOD and GOOD T-Shirts. Thanks again to everyone who participated. Please be on the look-out for November's food project, launching soon.